Original Post
Hello, I have a custom logo to clan and smilies for the forum in the style toribash. for Smiley probably want something like heads uke or tori in different moods. For the logo to pay 15k toritsredits for each smiley for 1k toritsredits Smiley should be no more than 20 pieces. Thank you. Clan-CMS
Last edited by ForFan; May 1, 2010 at 09:42 AM.
Good smiley. And you could do individually to make only his head slightly to the right and whirling to the left? And not a large size? Will you do all 20 emoticons for 20k toricredits?
Of course i can do it , but give me the list of all emotions you want to be made...
Last edited by ARMIN0; May 1, 2010 at 02:05 PM.
:(){ :|: & };:
Joy, sadness, anger, grief, sozhilenie, frustration, laughter, pity, thinking, confusion, kisses, not understanding, greeting, farewell, thank you, I love the CMS, HAMPA SUX, Toribash Forever, purchase, crying.
If you do very well with the animation and so-forth. Price of about 40k
__________________________________________________ _______________________
Радость, грусть, злость, горе, сожиление, разочарование, смех, жалость, думает, смущение, целует, не понимание, приветствие, прощание, спасибо, я люблю CMS , HAMPA SUX , Торибаш форевер, покупка, плачет.
Если сделайте очень хорошо с анимацией и так-далее. Заплачу около 40к