Original Post
[IMG] Wallpaper
I think it's the better of the 2 wallpapers I've posted.
Please comment, don't just say "Oh that's very good! 10/10"
please tell me what I can change, what I can do better next time, and stuff like that.

If you'd like a .xcf/.psd, PM me.

I think there is too much glow on the strokes.
You also didn't layer the strokes properly or missed some parts when you erased.
I'm just a little kid.
Fuck man over dose on the neon man, usually i use a minimal amount of it just to add a little extra flare, never base a whole wallpaper on it. The Text wasnt great, should fine a nice unique font and do something creative as for tha back ground the flow was actually ok. I like to keep my bg's minimal so its kinda my style.

Over all 6/10 not my favourite Nathan.