Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Foot Texture Missing?

My left foot texture is not showing up, even though i have the correct item with a texture applied in my activated inventory.

It has been several hours since i uploaded it.

Initially it was fine but after about 20 minutes it disappeared and hasn't returned :|

(I'm on tb version 3.88 if it matters)
Last edited by FurryDonut; May 9, 2010 at 02:00 AM.
Aperture Science Employee #92
Tried it already,

just looked in my tb 3.88/ custom / furrydonut folder and found this:

Apparently its been saved as a temporary file :|

EDIT: Fixed, i just reverted the filetype back to .tga as it appears that it was only me having the problem.
Although why it was saved as a .tmp in the first place i have no idea.
Last edited by FurryDonut; May 9, 2010 at 02:24 AM.
Aperture Science Employee #92
delete the left foot.tga and /dl and /lp again.
Originally Posted by Aspire

I'm having the same problem as he is, but it will not let me change them back to .tbm because it says it is being used by 'tb'.

And no Toribash is not open.
I guess it would be easier to
Ctrl + Alt + Del -> Task Manager -> Processes -> End Process toribash
and then delete it.