Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
as you can play this way?// alguien puede jugar asi?
thanks to my problem, I have to play without being able to read.
please someone help me fix this...

gracias a mi problema tengo que jugar practicamente a ciegas.. por que no se puede leer nada.
aca dejo un screem... por favor que alguien me ayude a solucionar esto...

Originally Posted by Zas View Post
Are you on windows or mac.

He's on Windows, has an Intel 965, the latest driver & has checked the quality settings.

After more thinking I noticed you have one of the 965's with dynamic memory. Somewhere in the driver's tool (the intel one in control panel) there will be an option to increase the memory it can use.

Try increasing it, that may help.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
ya probe aumentando la memoria que ocupa el driver, reinstalando el juego varias veces, cambiando la version del juego, distintas resoluciones, ejecutando el juego varias veces, actualizando los controladores de intel y casi todo lo que lei por aca y me han dicho... pero nada funciona