Ahah, I know that feeling. It happened to me as well when I joined DP a long time ago. The tips Drage gave me and what I learned by watching his replays are part of what made me into the replay maker I am today.
About the first replay, I liked how it started but the headbutt on Uke's arm and the missed punch around 280 were big turn downs.
After that you slapped Uke's pec, and that's not very stylish either. When you go for a punch in a realistic replay you've got to be careful not to let it look like a slap, contracting and extending your elbow plays an important role there.
The two kicks that followed were a bit too stiff just like the pose. Pay attention to the movement of your right leg from 133-80 and you'll get what I mean. You also should keep straight while posing.
I'll let someone else comment on the second replay, because right now I really need to study. Keep practicing.
Edit: Ninja'd by the man himself.