Original Post
Huge day on Toribash
This all started a day or two ago, smods attempted to purge wibbles.

Early today, you guys all died or something and quit posting your amusingly cute post.

Then I joined tl;dr, making me in two clans.

I talked a lot with bio and hanged out with tl;dr

Tonight, random insanity struck the newly purged wibbles. A rebellion then arose.

KiTFoX Saved wibbles. And we all celebrated.

I posted this thread and speant 2 minutes going over today.

It's 12:40 am here. I am DONE for today. Good night, sleep tight!
Today was rather awesome,

events list:
1. i woke up
2. played with jesse ingame.
3. sprooj leads the rebelion
4. smods lose the game
5. We gain control.
6. Cake

Today was legendary, second only to the day SennaX rose against Hamster and defended Wibbles, years (or however many months) ago.

Today, Wibbles proved itself, as a community, and as a successful example of United Anarchy.

This is a day i will celibrate every year to come, on toribash.
Originally Posted by Bio View Post

I missed. :<
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

k, for people who didn't understand,

Wibbles went crazy, smods started banning
wibblers revolted
wibbles went back to normal
somewhere in the middle jesseD joined my clan, and he's still in this one.
Now he's giving [tl;dr] members to invade, as long as we don't reek havoc

clear enough for you?
Well duh I'm still in this one. Who else would lead it :S our only moderator in here other then myself is like 98% dead and under government survalence or something.