Original Post
bboy headspin
hey can someone do some cool headspins or anytype of spins here going like really fast would be cool and btw can someon please help me make my headspins better
GG making 2 threads on one thing, seriously, wtf, you can be patient and wait in one place. And you learn how to do things by actually doing know instead of badgering other good people who take their time to actually learn what they're doing instead of hanging around the fourms expecting an explanation of every move. Go learn the move.
ARMIN0 recommended here that you look at replays in this forum for inspiration, not to make another thread about it asking for help. This forum is pretty much solely for sharing your own replays so until you have a replay to share, keep the requests for help to Beginner Sanctuary, thanks.

P.S. If you have an actual replay you want help with, feel free to post it here and people will try to help you.