Original Post
[IMG] First Attempt with Photoshop
Well, i am a known gimper, but i recently got photoshop CS4, and just started playing with it today. I found a render, and made a pretty cool background for it.

C&C please.

Note: This is the first time i used photoshop, after watching a few tuts of course.


Aka jusmi.
i was gonna be like omgftw! til i saw you didnt make the robo i like the text on his chest though. background is a bit bland 5/10

I though about adding more filters, and objects to the background, but i like simple things so i didn't. Next time i will add more detail.
Aka jusmi.
You're alive...
Anyways thats pretty cool for first time.
I thought you made the actual render though.

If you need any tips and Tricks Pm me.

8/10 for the first time on PS.

BTW CS5 is out.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.