Original Post
Auctioning my Inventory

Bid Start: 65k
Bid Raise: 12k
Auto Buy: 300k

End Date: 4 days from now.

Current Leader(Bid amount): Kaszananse.
Leading by: X__89k_ Tc

Do not Brib for items nor tc.
Extra items may be added daily.
Last edited by Matt_old; May 29, 2010 at 09:31 PM.
...................Unibash Teacher...................
I think you can't do second thread with selling the same stuff
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
I Reported for close thread.

Thanks for bidding hhu80
Currently leading with:
X__77k_ Tc
...................Unibash Teacher...................
89 k for it
Last edited by Kaszanas; May 29, 2010 at 08:58 PM. Reason: bid
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.