Original Post
Israeli Soldiers Board Aid Flotilla In International Waters
Really? There's no thread on this yet?

In my opinion, it's a violation of international law and it's also completely disgusting. The Israeli propoganda machine in spinning at full tilt right now.
The supposed 'weapons' the activists had were kitchen knives and chairs. Yeah, that's really premeditated. Bringing chairs to a gunfight.

Anyway, Turkey has said that they will escort the next flotilla. This will put Israel in a bit of a pickle. They have a very long history of human rights violations and generally not caring about civilian lives at all. If they fire on Turkey's ships, Israel will have declared war on NATO. The U.S will surely not continue to defend Israel if this happens. Since the U.S backing is what has let Israel continue its horrific practices over the years, they'll lose their crutch and hopefully get curbstomped by NATO.

Pfftlol, commence israel hatred.

If you had read the article thoroughly, you would've noticed that they were attempting to break past a blockade. Isreal had repeatedly warned them not to.
And you overstate your case. The activists definitely attacked with both GUNS and knives. The soldiers may have overreacted, but they certainly had reason to fire.
To me the most controversial thing is stopping an aid flotilla to begin with. Why would they bother? Did they suspect terrorists were aboard? Did they have any evidence?

As to the Turkey problem, they do not need to "fire on the ship," they just yell gtfo, use a naval blockade, or let them pass. They will definitely not try to inflammate NATO, which is giving them ground troop support against terrorists. And of course a visit sanctioned by an official government bears a much smaller risk to Israel's security.
You obviously missed the fact that this happened in international waters, which is illegal. It doesn't fucking matter if Israel warned them or not, because the blockade itself is illegal. They are denying civilian aid under the pretense of stopping terrorism.
No one really knows the situation here. Israel claim that their soldiers were defending themselves, it's all just a mess. At this point in time, too little is known for me to make a judgement on the situation.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
You obviously missed the fact that this happened in international waters, which is illegal. It doesn't fucking matter if Israel warned them or not, because the blockade itself is illegal. They are denying civilian aid under the pretense of stopping terrorism.

If i say that in the open public in my country, i'll propably go to jail for it !

These so called "Terrorists" on that ship were fighting back with Steel Sticks, doesnt that kind of tell us what kind of weapons they had ?

Anyway, what annoys me most is that Israel didnt only capture these ships and killed approx. 19 people, nope..they already towed the ships back to an isrealy harbour and errected a small guantanamo for them as well.
It makes my blood boil that everything that Israel does is ok with the big leading countries, sometimes someone points a finger and says "Do you really have to do that?" but thats about it.

Behavior like that is fueling anti semitism.

Best Regards

~ A. Hitler

I mean Rutz..
Forever a Stone
Originally Posted by Infernity View Post
No one really knows the situation here. Israel claim that their soldiers were defending themselves, it's all just a mess. At this point in time, too little is known for me to make a judgement on the situation.

How about watching some footage of the actual incident? It's definitely out there.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
How about watching some footage of the actual incident? It's definitely out there.

I have, and it shows both sides attacking. However I can find nothing on who was the initial aggressor, since the Israelis will be the only ones with footage. And footage can be edited.
Originally Posted by Infernity View Post
I have, and it shows both sides attacking. However I can find nothing on who was the initial aggressor, since the Israelis will be the only ones with footage. And footage can be edited.

Like I said, whoever attacked first is not the aggressor. Israel is, because they boarded a ship in international waters. That is basically piracy. The occupants of the boat were well within their rights to use force, they were being boarded without UN sanction. That is maritime law.
Last edited by Warcry; Jun 1, 2010 at 03:40 PM.
Well, though I support Israel (in general), that's an epic fail. I must say that even while they win in all wars with muslims, they fail at information warfare really hard. I hope that this situation won't feed much some serious conflict.
[Damned] Clan Bank. All inventory on sale
Originally Posted by Hector View Post
Well, though I support Israel (in general), that's an epic fail. I must say that even while they win in all wars with muslims, they fail at information warfare really hard. I hope that this situation won't feed much some serious conflict.

Fail at information wars? You realise that the Israeli intelligence agency - The Mossad - is one of the most effective in the world?