Original Post
[B]uying Demo Relax and Velvet Force
State your offers!

Tc balance: 122,887tc (122k)

Also selling a 25 USD Amazon gift card
Last edited by Pwender; Jun 4, 2010 at 01:04 AM.
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
<3 Cide | Glow | Jarmund | ishi | satiknee | Wiggi | Fish | pal <3
[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants
no way brah, 35k
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
<3 Cide | Glow | Jarmund | ishi | satiknee | Wiggi | Fish | pal <3
[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants
bought Velvet force from SAMOPAL for 37k
someone sell me demo lax
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
<3 Cide | Glow | Jarmund | ishi | satiknee | Wiggi | Fish | pal <3
[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants
sell it guys I still have 84k Im willing to spend
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
<3 Cide | Glow | Jarmund | ishi | satiknee | Wiggi | Fish | pal <3
[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants