Original Post
I Almost Got Jumped today. (serious Story) [ss]
Well today, i was out chilling with a few buds. smoking a black( a.k.a Black And mild)
Then we headed home. i told them to drope me off at the corner so i can chill with my gril friends best friend that was my best friends girl friend. and she wasent home. so my dumbass had to walk a mile or 2 home.
my neigborhood is really bad and racist.
Well anyway. i was walking down the street on the sidewalk still daylight. and a bunch of black kids (No Racism) that were my age said "Wrong Streat *Cracka*". so i tryed to ignore the son of a bitch and they didnt bother me.
After that a guy with 6 other guys came over to me and said where you from. and they were yelling it out at me while i was walking down the street. I ingnored them as much as i could and they almost came to my house. well i walked down almost to the begining of my house (Street).
Then they threw a beer bottle at my arm and it shaderd cutts and shit +the Achahole burned like hell. Then i thought to myself there near my house and i cantlet them no were i live. So i said out load really load with all the neibors on there porch looking at me.
"WHATS GOOD BITCH" while i was flicked them off. Here comes the good part for you but scary for me. One dude pretty big dude came after me fist to fist.
He threw a jab at me that hurt like hell. Then i felt very invensiable.
like made.
I came at him threw a uppercut hit him in the wind pipe (Located in center of chest). i guess it made him loose his breath. once he bent over i kneed him in the face. i could feel the blood flow threw my arms. and i watched as he fell to the ground.
then 5 guys came at me.
I thought to myself this might be the end of my life.
I quickly re got in focus and got in a fighting stance.
They ran over the one guy threw a crazy ass wimpy superman punch at and i triped him while he was going past me.
Then i looked at the man that i kicked his ass. all of them looked at him.
then they ran.and i called the cops on the hurt guys phone and ran.

i know it was pretty fucked up but i feel bad.
I had to defend myself,my home,my girlfriend.
And i fucked him up.
prooved a good point.
Last edited by Matt_old; Jun 6, 2010 at 09:48 AM.
...................Unibash Teacher...................
take a pic of cuts and post on my sho yourself thread. wow sounds scary i have a story sort of like that too.

I can tell you wasn't to stoked with what happen but this could make a famous video some day. I hope you feel better. Well you did live and that's the important thing that counts.
I'm back :)
once i saw a fight happening outside., very intense. man knocks out girl and he sees me and friends watching. we called the cops already. he comes up and starts banging on door. we put chairs there. he finally knocks door down and as he ran in a cop shot him. blood got all over. scariest shit ever!!
Last edited by Isis; Jun 6, 2010 at 10:06 AM.