Original Post
+trading account without scam ?
well PtysioPL want to give me the account alex314 for a floor ground texture but i dont feal like he will be sage -.- so is there a way to make the transaction by a smod?
(lol google translate)
1: Trading, selling and buying accounts goes against the rules.
2: If your concerned about trading an item, use the safe trade feature.
why is there account shop and u ''Smod'' doesnt do nothing against them T_T
and of what i know cant trade account with safetrade xD

here some example

ok well these 2 where very popular smod closed them ?
Last edited by DJEKING; Jun 19, 2010 at 06:01 AM.
I'm sorry did I stutter? When I state a rule I mean it.

Account selling is not supported by nabi or the support team, if you have an account problem on a bought account we WILL NOT HELP YOU.
Last edited by Vox; Jun 19, 2010 at 06:47 AM.