My textures shop. Sets and heads
hi, there is mine textures shop, just bid and enjoy
Very cool emo head
Size is 512x512
Price 6k
Spiderman head
Size is 128x128
Price 700tc
My awesome Naruto Shippuden set
all textures are 128x128
Price 12k
P:u can use it with amber force, and i got the head in 512 size ifu want.
My ninja head
Size is 128x128 or 512x512 i can rezise it
Price 2k
Tobe from pucca set
/dl facufacu for see the set.
Some free heads:
i can make avvys sigs and heads, just request, apply:
What you want: (Avvy, sig or head)
Style: (only for heads: Emo, Robotic or Tribal. if u want other style just post it)
Colors: (i need to explain this? this is only for heads)
Details: (for sigs/avvys: what photo or what effects u want if i put your tori on it. for heads: details like eye colors, etcetc.)
And how much are you willing to pay.
sorry for my bad english.
Last edited by FACUFACU; Jun 22, 2010 at 05:24 AM.