Original Post
Getting Moves from Replays?
Sorry this is probably the wrong section,but anyways.
I did a Replay where I sliced a guy at his torso in half,I forgot what I did and want to get the moves back from the replay!
Can anyone help? I know there is some kind of system because if I open it with Notepad++ it shows a lot of stuff for the moves done.

Attached Files
Body Slice.rpl (16.5 KB, 107 views)
Gotta love smart people!
Thanks,You moved it over here and I looked around and found this!
Yay! Thanks again

Which i forgot how this happened but somehow lead me to this which is what i needed!

P.S. If its not already stickied can you sticky it? Great program if it does what it says it does!
It does do what it says it does! YAY! Got a whole list of all the moves I made,Thank you so very much!
Last edited by Sombrey; Jun 25, 2010 at 06:07 AM.
you can press e at the start of the replay,pressing e allows you to edit your replay,i think its what you need and you dont have to download any adds or programs