Original Post
[S] Rainbow wings, 170k

I'll sell for 140k, somewhere around there. tc only.

The wings don't become backwards on uke, and do not get wierd when you move, or go upside down, etc. Currently wearing them, /dl bio /lp 0 bio to see em.
Last edited by Bio; Jul 12, 2010 at 07:42 AM.
K, instead of making a new thread i'd figure i'd just bump this one.

I've lowered the price down to 150k now.

Any takers? still tc only
Please make it items only cuz i got robbed and i have items
Sorry, but no.
1. I NEED tc. And they cost 90k per flame on them (it's two flames)
2. I already traded them for 2 hand flames, you can /dl and /lp me ingame if you wanna see them, i'll post up screenies in a minute.

edit just go there :V
Last edited by Bio; Jul 14, 2010 at 11:53 PM.