We rock.
Not gonna lie to you guys, we're basically awesome.
Here's why...
Reason 1: We are, despite our lack of aggressive activity, still the number one replay clan in Toribash.
Reason 2: With Reason 1 in mind, we still have more posts in our want to join thread than our replay thread. And that's quite a feat, when you think about our replay thread.
Reason 4: We don't have a Reason 3.
Reason 5: We came up with the best, most solid form of government any clan has ever seen, and we totally blow it off and it doesn't matter.
Reason 6: We've never lost a clan match.
Reason 7: You don't talk about Fight Club.
Reason 8: RAWR can eat my dicks.
Reason 9: Yes, I have multiple dicks. And if you're in OLDA, you'll know that they are less than 5 inches long.
Reason 10: It took me less than 5 minutes to come up with 9 reasons why we're awesome.
P.S. - I was in Bouncy, mothafuckaaaa