Recently, I have decided to take up learning to scream as a musical hobby, along with playing guitar, and drums, as my regular singing voice isn't exactly great.
I like to scream to stuff such as:
Escape the fate
Devil Wears Prada
Bring me the Horizon
Now i know in all 3 of these bands, there is two screamers, and one does highs, and one does lows, but Id like to learn both types.
Is there any advice anyone can give me? How to make it louder, and clearer, without doing fry screams would be helpful, atm its kinda temperamental whether the scream comes out properly, but that comes with practise i guess.
Ehh. I have no idea how you could explain this.. Practice is your best option, you should easily find what works for you.
Another thing is, unless you have two mouths, you'll most likely having 2 singers. But if you insist on being able to do both high and low pitches then just work on it.
Sorry I'm not much, I'm not sure how to explain something like this
Thanks for the advice JesseD, what im really looking for is different techniques and different ways of doing the screaming, but i understand its hard to give over the internet
Well, I have tried doin this. Very hard. after about 10 minutes I got a sore throat over it.
My advice to you: Only give it a go if you have good lungs, pharynx, etc.
Growls is easier because it has less stress on the throat. Start with the low pitch growls (Not screams) and have a warm glass of water not too warm or too cold. Have it about room temperature. The raspy sound does in fact come from the bottom of your throat if you know what I mean, but the force is coming from the diaphragm. You have to learn how open your throat for the deep growls and keeping your saliva so you don't use straight throat flesh.
Only practice until your throat gets dry and sore. Wait a day or 2 then try it again. Continue this for the next year and you will have good loud focused growls and screams. And if you really fuck up your vocals don't try again for the next week. After a long time of it getting sore and healing again you should have more stamina.
Remember too STOP if your throat starts to hurt or you'll end up like James Hetfield.
I hope this helps a little, because there is no way to exactly how to explain how to do vocals. For some it comes naturally and for others they have to earn it.
I can probably do vocals for a good half an hour before my throat gets
Thats really helpful t0ribush, thanks,
i usually have a cup of water beforehand but i always had really cold water, and it felt like the screams were slipping out, and thus they werent making any sounds.
I can pretty much hold notes for a good 5+ seconds ish, so thats no much of a problem, but the fact is the notes dont sound how they should, they are crackly, and raspy.
What is the difference between a growl and a scream? can you post an example of a growl please?
Screaming (shrieking) most typically done in Black Metal, but can be heard through out thrash and death metal. Also I don't like to associate much with screaming or screamo.
We both listen to very different types of metal, but I don't think it matters much still the same technique.
None of these vocalists have any effects going on maybe some to clear up background noise.
High Growls. The vocalist of Morgoth uses both low and high growls and so does the vocalist of Obituary. You'll hear that the higher growls still have a low pitch to it.
Vocals start at 1:10
Straight up growls would sound like this. If you listen carefully he is hitting notes, but at a deeper level than others would.
The growls only get deeper from there, but the deeper you go the more is sounds like someone is leaking a massive shit heard in most grindcore.
Screams. These screams sound different from the other screams you hear.
Vocals start at 20 seconds.
Asphyx's vocals too me fall completely into a different category of vocals. It's done the same way, but with an added technique that is probably only unique to some voices. Kind of like Controlling how your voice cracks and being able to pull it off all the time.
vocals begin at 48 seconds.
Both Growls and Screams sound different, but it's same technique different tension on the throat. Open = Low Tightened = Higher. You may not be able to reach the high not you want. Not everyone comes with a high voice to pull it off some can only reach deep vocals still equally as hard in some cases, but Higher means you need a lot of stamina and a lot of spit.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jun 29, 2010 at 10:21 AM.