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[Img]My first character-drawing after 12yrs
After 12yrs of drawing only scribbles and storyboards for my 3d-business it was time for some of my old style
Here my little monster-fighter hehe
(Background not yet there...I'm workin' on it)
Check my Soundcloud ;)
yeah thats is cool man i love your skills at video, art, and now that just epic bro


what about a dojo as background or something like that
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neck looks way too huge even for a strong man, the whole man looks miss-shaped. But your drawing style is good.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
neck looks way too huge even for a strong man, the whole man looks miss-shaped. But your drawing style is good.

The wrong shaping was made with intent. It shouldn't look like a real strong man, it should look like a fighter-monster
Check my Soundcloud ;)
Yes, I'm working on it. Background needed, some shadow-work's not so easy to get into this kind of drawing again after such a long time
Check my Soundcloud ;)
If you're gonna make the neck that huge, give him much bulkier arms, even if you are going for a disproportioned look.

Make his pecs lower down, wider, and more defined. They look pretty wimpy.
T1cux: clan have eggs.