Original Post
[Wip] Armored Anime.
i kinda need help.

plz give me your ideas.

i need to add more details to the back. im just unsure of what.


Last edited by Fate; Jun 30, 2010 at 06:35 AM.
maybe put a visor on the front?

as for the back, i think cables running downwards would look awesome and fit the head completely

hmm, im having a problem with gimp now...

i thiink it might crash on me.. .

edit: it did.. now i have to restart.. grr damn you gimp!.

edit: redone!

Last edited by Fate; Jun 30, 2010 at 01:03 AM.

Keeping in mind that this is a wip, I like the first version better, I'd stay away from doing a visor.

Keep the ear of the first aswell.

And all the rainbow'ish coloring going on makes it look a little funny too.

Looks good otherwise.

Edit: Looked them both over again and the first one looks perfect :|

It's alot darker and the coloring is great.
Last edited by Clow; Jun 30, 2010 at 01:32 AM.
Originally Posted by Clow View Post

Keeping in mind that this is a wip, I like the first version better, I'd stay away from doing a visor.

Keep the ear of the first aswell.

And all the rainbow'ish coloring going on makes it look a little funny too.

Looks good otherwise.

Edit: Looked them both over again and the first one looks perfect :|

It's alot darker and the coloring is great.


the first head got banished when my gimp crashed. so i tryed to recreate but ill edit the new one t\o your likings.
Really artistic and rich on fantasy, but very very confusing :P
Try to make it more understandable :P

I prefer the one without the face.
Wow that looks great, one question though.

Is there any way you could make the circles not stretch as they are doing atm?

and the one at the back of the head looks a little out of place with it's color.
Last edited by Clow; Jun 30, 2010 at 05:36 AM.
The only showing one ear thing looks a little odd. If you're not going to have a face like Ezeth suggested I would take off or cover that one ear. I love how you made the round things on the side look so 3D. They really pop out.