Original Post
Laptop Troubles - Explorer.exe is not responding
The last couple of days, my mom has had troubles with her laptop, every so often the task-bar will stop responding, then her laptop will switch off, without the BSOD, or the standard windows shutdown screen.

Some info -

My mom does not install updates.
She uses Windows Vista premium.

Please do ask if you need specifics.

Some help please?
Try installing the updates, they are there for a reason...

Also close as many pointless background applications, and modify your start-up to get ridd of anything unessessary, Run -> MSCONFIG will allow you to edit your start up, or you can use the free program 'CCleaner'.

Finally I'd recommend using CCleaner to check for any registary errors, might help.

Also this characteristic can be typical of virus activities, food for thaught?
Virus? I'll have to look that up, and my mom recently did a format because her processor overclocked itself. so, she has nothing in the background, nor in the startup.

I'll install the update for her tommrow, seeming as they are BIOS and driver updates.
Oh if you recently formated, then yea, Drivers will be a big help! Also don't skip on those updates, espeshaly affter a format!
Ok, I'v got her laptop in-front of me, just about to install the updates.

I'll keep you guys updated.

edit:fixed, <3
Last edited by Exie; Jun 30, 2010 at 02:01 PM.