Original Post
[S] Hell-Set
Set by: Gleb27
No Recolor

Head: 512x512
And teh rest is: 128x128

Starting bid: 15k
Min. Raise: 5k
Autobuy: 100k

And i Acept Items

End Date: 24 hours after last bid (or until a reasonable deal is set through PM's or posts.)

Last edited by the13ghost; Jul 1, 2010 at 03:20 PM.
named wrong out of price range its worth no where near 100k and 30k i suggest moving it down too about 20 25 and if u want lots off bids fast 15k
i offer a rutz collector card,and my head flame./dl to see flame.
flame and card together are worth 105k.
press play dude u cant resell it for 80k unless u get a idiot to do the same thing no offence btw befor u do this take the thing out of ur sig ur FAIL