Original Post
[HoLy] - Clan Story

Clan Story Thread

It is a thread where the clan shows its fictional history and how the clan came to be, with some to be facts of course.


[BIn the day of the death of DIAF, all undoubtebly believed that its warriors
shared the same fate as the clan. Reassured now it has turned to fact,
they have long forgotten them and lived on through their lives... until now.

Two deceased warriors of DIAF, pure of heart and mind, whose names are Iceman and Cloren,
were resurrected by God to be given another chance in exchange of a responsibility: To
redeem the world from evil. To prepare them for their task, God forged sacred wings and implanted
them on their backs, giving them the ability to fly. God restored
their Mastery of Fire and amplified it by making it sacred. God has also give them new
and extraordinary powers as well as equipment made sacred.

Looking foward that their ready, God disappeared into thin air, undoubtebly sure that they can
do the task without His assistance.

Iceman decided along with Cloren to resurrect a few worthy deceased DIAF to join their quest
unto redeeming the world. They did exactly the same thing that God did to them, with the exception
for disappearance.

As soldiers in God's army and the redeemers of the world, they called themselves the HoLy clan
and its members the Angels, Principalities, Virtues, Dominions, Cherub, and Seraph.
They so set forth to redeem the world from evil and restore the world to its balance.
As they flew their first, Iceman battle-cried out "We are coming".
GMT +8:00