Christmas Lottery
Original Post
360 Chest Mod (Helicoptor Toribash)
This mod allows you to rotate your chest 360 degrees in both directions.

I've was informed that there's already a mod very similar to this one called Windmill, but I'll point out the differences.

I modified the function of the lumbar so that it no longer makes you lean sideways. Instead it also has the ability to twist around 360 degrees in both directions the same way the chest does.

I also modified the range that the hips can move in, so that they can bend further back and bend a bit less forward.

The amount of frames per move is also 50 frames compared to Windmill which has 10 frames per move.

The Windmill mod also increases the velocity and strength of the chest, where as my mod leaves those values on their default settings. It does however modify the lumbar's settings to behave exactly the same way the chest does.

The Windmill mod also sets both feet and legs to instagib, which my mod doesn't. The Windmill mod also only works for Tori, which I think is kinda silly, but anyway, my mod works for both players.

There's no dq on any body parts other than the head and the neck...

Here are a few screenshots...

Please feel free to give me some feedback. Also feel free to tweak the settings of the mod if you think you can improve it and please let me know if you do improve it!!

Anyways... I hope you guys enjoy it!!

P.s: I'd love to see this mod on a server!!
Attached Files
360ChestMod.tbm (12.4 KB, 68 views)
Last edited by Haemo; Jan 1, 2008 at 03:31 AM.
isnt there a mod exactly like this already made?
Activism is a duty, not a choice. Only through activism can we really make this a country for the people, and by the people. Cast aside your apathy. Don't stay behind closed doors.
Hmm... reminds me of a windmill...
hmmm, is it possible someone by the name of mrpoptart made an almost exact mod called windmill? hmm...
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Damn... sorry guys!!
I really haven't explored all the mods that come with this game.
The two have their differences though.

I also forgot to mention that in my mod, you can only be disqualified if your head touches the ground.

I'd still really like to see this mod on a server!!
i dont think mr poptart made windmill, but it has definantly been done.
but this is a little different, with every thing except the head un-dq-able, chest has a different speed i think, and the lumbar goes as well. >.>
i edited my first post to clear up all any confusion

i found a stupid mistake that i made, so i updated the first post with the fixed attachment.

please make sure you get the updated version!!

~don't double post
Last edited by Jam0864; Jan 1, 2008 at 03:50 AM.
Nuyashaki: It's generally acceped that double posting is acceptable when the poster wants to post new info. See Volt's "Open Letter" thread in the discussion forum.

Anyway, I quite like this mod, possibly more than Windmill...
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Slightly off-topic here, but I believe Karhax made the original windmill mod.

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