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Overheating problem.....
Okay, what first.... I decided it was about time to finish portal, Just never got to do it becuase I got sucked into some other games before I actually did. ()
I beat the game and was finally on the text screen playing the song thats like "but nobody lives here, and all I can say is huge, success... then my computer overheated and all was lost.

It pissed me off for the rest of the day.

Anyways, Im running an M17x with no modifications other than I recently found out that my sli 260M's were not working, and I only had the power of one, (once again... ).

So, can I have some help "under-clocking"?
how long have you had this m17x? have you tried blowing out your laptop through the ventilation ports with an air compressor or air in a can? also keeping your laptop elevated in the back should reduce overheating issues (just making sure to explain this)
You don't say?
You can do what organ says, blow out the dust in your laptop, then do what I did when my laptop kept overheating. Get 4 cassettes, put them on the 4 corners of the pc. You can also put a fan next to it to blow underneath. Stopped my pc from overheating.
For the sli, has it always been this way? I would install the newest drive from nvidia first. Then to enable sli, right click on the desktop and click on Nvidia control panel. Then go to 3D performance (iirc, don't have a pc accessible right now). There should be an option to either "Maximize 3D performance" or "Enable sli"
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Incognito - [o]
yeah i used a box a little bigger than my laptop and cut everything but the last inch or so off, then cut a hole for my fan and wallah, a cooling table deely