Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[PACK]Slycooper does tricking.
I saw Sesshoumaru do a trick battle versus somebody on YouTube, and was
inspired greatly. I'm going to make a pack of replays from A to Z, meaning
there will be 26 replays, all of different tricks and moves. The letters serve no
purpose, they're just there for organization reasons. Maybe when I finish my
list I will put them all into a .rar and upload them. So far, I'll be uploading my
replays here and I would like a lot of feedback and suggestions. Suggest me
a move, tell me what I should improve on.

My replays are all going to be in 0.00 0.00 -30.00 gravity.

Attached Files
Sly-Sampler-LeTrickA.rpl (139.0 KB, 41 views)
Sly-Sampler-LeTrickB.rpl (114.0 KB, 27 views)
Sly-Sampler-LeTrickC.rpl (122.5 KB, 20 views)
Sly-Sampler-LeTrickD.rpl (150.3 KB, 21 views)
Sly-Sampler-LeTrickE.rpl (139.5 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by Slycooper; Jul 7, 2010 at 05:58 PM.
When doing realism, try stay more relaxed, you were very relaxed, but when you were in the air sometimes you didn't move very much that's why I said that and don't rush your movements, you don't have to put all your power into doing spin kicks etc etc.
Also didn't seem like you did any moves except spinning and jumping around. You had the right setup and I thought a few times you were gonna do some kicks in the air but mid through you just stopped the kick and landed. Also use hold and relax a lot more than you normally would, it makes it seem more real.
Last edited by Pat; Jul 7, 2010 at 05:55 PM.
Hmm, as in don't rush your movements, I'm trying to get speed as quick as I can.

I saw your post and tried recreating 0:44 of this video.
Attached Files
Sly-Sampler-LeTrickE.rpl (139.5 KB, 26 views)
um i like the youtube vid but the replays are not really as realistic as there soppost to be and the replays are very short.
but some of them look really good
Yeah, Balance really is one thing that troubles me when I try to stay straight when doing spin kicks.
a tip is try and stay on your feet, for example, of course your gonna use your hands for handstands and things but I mean like after you've done a kick for example, to land on your feet, not land sideways. You probably know this already but it's always good to mention. Proper landing helps with executing the next move.