Original Post
The Dog's Exposè of Artistic Experience

Hello All, and welcome to the Shop.
This is a joint effort between ZenBDog,
and xJSK to create an art shop that lives
up to the quality standards required of the
Toribash Art/Textures market.

The market has become increasingly flooded
by terrible shops and mediocre artists. I
propose a change to this, and will start the
revolution here in this shop.

What, however, is a shop without examples
of the artists' work, to show why you should choose
to buy from us, rather than the 100 other shops open today.

Without further ado, then, I present ZenBDog's texture examples,
and xJSK's Artwork.

Zen's Examples:

Zen's Prices:


Discussed via PM

Other (specify):
Discussed via PM

Request form for Zen:

Type of Art/Texex. Head)

Pricing Rangemust be within my ranges.
If request is for a set, or other, PM me)

Description of Request:
Please make this as detailed as possible.
The more descriptive you are in your request, the better I can do,
and the faster you'll get your art.

(I work in 512x exclusively, so there's little point to downsizing. It won't cost less)

Email Address:
This is so I may send you an archive of a finished set or head.
I will not use your email address for marketing purposes.
If you are uncomfortable posting your email on the forums,
simply PM me with your email address.

NOTE: Archives use 7Zip compression.
To unzip my archives, please use 7Zip, available at
7Zip is a free software for zipping and unzipping archives,
with the highest compression of mainstream archive programs.
I highly encourage using 7Zip.

Requests not following this form will be ignored.

Zen's Worklist:

1. AtlanticPA [Head]
2. [open]
3. [open]
4. [open]
5. [open]

xJSK's Examples:

JSK's Requesting Form:

What you want - Avvy, siggy, clan logo, userbar, banner.
Style - Evil, rainbow, vector, cartoon, tribal etc.
Colours - (y'know)
Price Range -
Email Adress (same as Dogs reason)
What you want included in it -

xJSK's Prices:
Standard Avatar - 1k - 3ktc.

Standard Signature - 1k - 4ktc.

Avvy + sig - 5ktc.

High quality avatar or signature - 3k - 6ktc.

Prices will be discussed via PM

Make a request on this thread, and
we'll talk about it

Total earned so far:

11,000 Toricredits

10,000 Toricredits

Last edited by DogShop; Jul 19, 2010 at 10:22 PM.
The shop is still in WIP,
but the prices will be up soon.
When finished, the shop will be mostly request-oriented.
I'd like to make a request
Style:I am looking for a head texture that resembles a biker helmet. Simmilar to the one in this link:
Colours:simmilar to picture I want a hunter or black base color with Silver tribal trim. If you could encorperate some gaia purple that would be cool.
Resolution: Artist's choice
Artist: ZenBDog
My budget is 11k. Im looking for a reallyy nice head texture and you look like the person for the job.
Last edited by AtlanticPA; Jul 18, 2010 at 10:09 PM.
"Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth."~Tom Barrett
Wow dog, thats a very detailed head man, well done
And the banner i made still isnt showing up on the thread, it's your one?
MGUNIT: I Dunno What IRC Is?
[Gay4Daxx] [Omega] [AM]
Alright Looks amazing in general. But is it possible that we could put a black visor instead of the eyes? simmilar to what we see here.
I just want something that looks 100% badass.
Im sorry I left out some details. Thanks ! =D
Last edited by AtlanticPA; Jul 19, 2010 at 12:37 AM.
"Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth."~Tom Barrett
I couldnt love it more how much $tc?
"Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth."~Tom Barrett
Like 'ya said, 11k
Nice doing business.

Send the TC, and put your email in the note.
I'll email you the flat.
<DjPz> I don't expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them
Sent 11k now send textures to my email
"Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth."~Tom Barrett