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New antibody kills 91% of HIV strains
American scientists are working with three new antibodies that can destroy up to 91% of HIV strains.

The antibodies were found in the cells of a 60 year old man, known as “donor 45,” whose body produced them on it’s own.

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, mutates incredibly fast, making it a moving target for scientists.

HIV antibodies have been discovered in recent years but most have been somewhat disappointing as they are rarely effective on more than a few strains. The most successful one up until last week neutralized up to 40%.

The United Nations estimates that there were more than 33 million people living with AIDS in 2008 and thousands more are infected each day.

Researchers hope that they can blend the new antibodies in different ways for three purposes. They’ll attempt to create a “raw” form to prevent the spread from mothers to babies, a microbial gel to prevent the virus from being transmitted sexually, and a form that can be mixed with antiretroviral drugs to treat those already infected.

good that they finnaly found some way to try to get rid of HIV.poor Africans.
sorta funny that it took from a 65 year old man tho,not some chemistry based shit.
lol u haz aidz

no more

but i don't know if the virus will change again and avoid being stopped.... i some how doubt that this will work for a long time.
No, no, the thing is, the virus constantly mutates. This antibody has killed 91% of those mutations. It is never constant.
fun fact: it isnt even proven that hiv causes aids

and no one has ever seen the hi-virus so far. only the antibodies indicate the existance of "something"
Originally Posted by GHB View Post
fun fact: it isnt even proven that hiv causes aids

and no one has ever seen the hi-virus so far. only the antibodies indicate the existance of "something"

Which means it's clearly the divine judgment of God for punishing gays, right?

Your statements are untrue, I found a scanning electron microscope image of HIV particles after a couple seconds of searching Google.
Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
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Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Which means it's clearly the divine judgment of God for punishing gays, right?

Your statements are untrue, I found a scanning electron microscope image of HIV particles after a couple seconds of searching Google.

CJ: Didn't Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo isolate HIV back in the early eighties?
EPE: No. In the papers published in Science by those two research groups, there is no proof of the isolation of a retrovirus from AIDS patients [1, 2].
CJ: They say they did isolate a virus.
EPE: Our interpretation of the data differs [3-5]. To prove the existence of a virus you need to do three things. First, culture cells and find a particle you think might be a virus. Obviously, at the very least, that particle should look like a virus. Second, you have to devise a method to get that particle on its own so you can take it to pieces and analyze precisely what makes it up. Then you need to prove the particle can make faithful copies of itself. In other words, that it can replicate.
CJ: Can't you just look down a microscope and say there's a virus in the cultures?
EPE: No, you can't. Not all particles that look like viruses are viruses.

there are enough scientists who have their doubts, just google it

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Which means it's clearly the divine judgment of God for punishing gays, right?

blacks, actually
Last edited by GHB; Jul 22, 2010 at 09:23 PM.
i heard that if some one has hiv and touch an item 5 mins befor e you you waould get it dunno if it is true

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Last edited by suomynona; Jul 23, 2010 at 04:39 AM.