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Toribashtv (youtube)
hey everyone its dynastyboy here.
i am very excited to announce that i may soon be starting toribash's
own youtube channel/show. i am not in any way linked to anyone
behind toribash (except hampa called me a noob... yeah ouch!) but i want to make an effort to make a great game more popular.
the show will consitst of tc lottery. everyone sends me tc for a ticket and who ever wins will get all entry tc. if this is success than thats enoughn to give someone enough for 3 legit kits. other activities include community replays comps and a top ten sent eery week.

but i need your feed back. do u think its a good idea?
wat other tc opporunities can u think of?
community replays will be set every week as a challenge: eg.
highest jump
worst nutshot
max decap
*ur suggestion here*

please give feedback,
Why would you post this here.

Also, unless you are some awesome video maker or rich toribash player this won't work.
We had Toritube which was awesome because you could just link your toribash videos to that page and everyone could watch and rate them, but it got removed with the forum changes.

I don't think this would work out that well.
well im doing it and ppl need to hel me im taking employees to save cool community replays so whoever wants to help with that will be paid