Original Post
Discussing the Toriprime/Vip
This is serious discussion, spam posts stay away ^^

As most if not all of you know, there is now Vip in addition to Toriprime, and with that comes some more cool features for even more money. Now this is all fine and dandy in many people's views who do not care about features such as signatures and avatars and what not. But then after disabling search completely for quite a while, they make you pay 10$ just to use it, and even then it's only for a year.

Do you think that making such a needed feature of a forum should cost 10$ or any money at all? Is it really OUR fault that it now costs? Has this done anything good for the community of toribash and it's users? (There are many more things to discuss about Toriprime/VIP, but these are just some off the top of my head)


This is a true discussion thread and locking it would just show how much the admins are avoiding the topic of this serious matter.
Last edited by isaac; Jul 30, 2010 at 09:09 AM.
the reason of all this features Disabled/available is....Money!
what elseXD.
But i think it really a little bit harsh to disable the search function.
(of course you can use the google-site search,but that fucking sucks).
But i can live with it,since this game is for free, and im happy when nabi gets money, for making my freetime nicerXD
NinjaŽd by OnamistXD
sorry me too didnt know about the other thread.(or did i?)
.....German Underground