Original Post
Forum has been hacked

- last 4 month post's / thread's got deleted
- some people cant login anymore (like me)
- alot of items lost

thats fucked up
I cant login anymore
I've lost 2000 post's
I've maybe lost my account

btw: before this happend some people send me 10 million tc..

edit: I just recodnised what happend to the clans that are not older than 4 month..
Last edited by Kenaz_old; Dec 6, 2010 at 12:22 PM.
btw: before this happend some people send me 10 million tc..
Why you didn't send it to addictbank? xd
Don't worry they will fix it or do something instead :v
hopefully.. I wanted to send it back but than I recodnised that it was to late.. What a nice present if you cant use it anyway
I just hope this doesnt take a long time now..
Oh, come on. It's not first time when forum is hacked. I'm almost sure you will get your acc back.
The only one thing I've lost is qi and avatar.
That was one massive Hack. :/

I'm really sorry for you aika!
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
People hack sites. It has been like that for ages. Also I'm sorry for you.
I actually believe in the staff and especially in Hampus that they're gonna fix it.

Also lost my sig, and around 1000 posts... NOOOOO!!!
Oshi I lost posts too and thus all posts are like totally not up to date.
If they ain't fixing this, I gonna raeeeeeeeeeeeeg.
/invade (to help)
Aikaniro, I'll try to help you, read that (it helped me)
If u got changed it and u remember it, just write it and i think you can enjoy your acc
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3