Original Post
Buying Good Quality Head For 3000tc
Im Buying a really good quality head
If i like it alot ill probably give more than 3000tc

This is like a compitition best head = winner! :P

So post your best head and good luck on the compitition.

Make it Ninjaish :P
Did you say good? Cuz I got bored and went super awesome!
Actually, it's not super great, but I was bored...
I can still texture a few more things. But for now, I'll see what you think of this.

Not sure what to do with eyes. I think it's best to keep them solid.
Is Nice...
Do you think you can make it exsactly like this discription:
Black Head
Red Letters on back saying [Evil]WolfReaperz
a Red thingy that goes around the head like a bandana or some crap
ad some eyes :]

I Like it but yea i just dont like the face it looks like a person who just like got i dont know how to discribe it really
his face smushed by a very tight mask? I didn't expect that, but i guess a round head causes it to look that way. I decided to try this because I wanted to learn how to make folds and definition. When I was making this, I was thinking Ryu Hayabusa (ninja gaiden).

what do you mean black, all black? or just dark?
bandana, check.
lettering, ez, although slightly long name. mind if it's on two lines?
what kind of eyes? color?

are you saying a totally new head, or adjust current to fit description?
Dangit, I didn't read description again. But, I think lettering ON the headband actually is nicer, rather than engraved into your skull.