Critiquing abstract is hard because you can't really comment on proportions or style or much really...
But I will try. I get the sense of a Davinci's prototype design, what with that aged parchment (which is pulled off beautifully)
And the text which I assume was not designed to be read, but it leaves me curious of what is said in the top left, but it's too small :[
But the main point, Is what is the point of this image, what did you intend the viewer to receive from this piece, my focus was drawn to the dark centre of the image at first, and then quickly to the lighter parts trying to make sense of the math and English.
As an image 9/10 the parchment design is pulled of quite well
As a piece of Artwork 3/10 I did not feel emotion at all looking at this pics of work. But maybe I'm too logical and cannot see some subtle message.