Original Post
You have found the DeathKiss clan forum.. Seeing this is a brand new clan with no experience In the clan world yet you can help us out by filling out an application below(:

To Join DeathKiss just fill out the application below!

Name: [in game]
Favorite mods:
Tell us a little about yourself:
Special talents:
post atleast 2 of your best replays:
All applications will be looked over atleast once a day, so don't worry(:

Our clan bank account is going to be dkbank, for those of you that want to donate. Any donation to the clanbank is greatly appreciated!
Can I? Really? Yaay!......TF o.O
Hey looks like you need some help with DSC work. Ill give you a little boost.

Things your missing:
-Clan Story
-Clan Banner
-Clan Allies/Enemies List
-Clan Bank
-Info about your clan

Need some Extra help?:

Here are some Tips:

Need a clan Story?:

Good luck with your clan.
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