Original Post
Foot rest.
Really random mod. I got bored decided to make a mod involving chairs. I attempted to make an ejector seat mod failed and got this. So here it is you can either sit down or take the foot rest and whack uke with it. And the foot rest ejects from the chair .

engagedistance: 250

One of my first mods so not very good.
Last edited by DrunkenMonkey; Apr 30, 2008 at 04:30 AM.
Monkey yeknoM
onkeyM Myekno
nkeyMo oMyekn
keyMon noMyek
eyMonk knoMye
yMonke eknoMy
Monkey yeknoM
They look so damn uncomfortable.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
Well they wouldn't sit down right :/.
Last edited by DrunkenMonkey; Jan 19, 2008 at 07:32 PM.
Monkey yeknoM
onkeyM Myekno
nkeyMo oMyekn
keyMon noMyek
eyMonk knoMye
yMonke eknoMy
Monkey yeknoM
Thank you . I would've put a table with a few marbles but it wouldnt allow me any more objects D:.
Monkey yeknoM
onkeyM Myekno
nkeyMo oMyekn
keyMon noMyek
eyMonk knoMye
yMonke eknoMy
Monkey yeknoM