Good job with the initial running. Even though it was just one step it was better than 95% (if not more) of the running attempts I see nowadays. Your lumbars were in a awkward position but the overall shape of your tori was cool.
That semi-jump-kick thing at ~895 was a bit strange, but you probably missed that twichy movement and kept going which is hardly relevant anyways.
In this kind of replays were you don't touch Uke I usually prefer when people keep the movements in a straight line from the point were you started to the point where Uke stands, it shows a bit more of control over what you're doing, but it's just a personal preference and by no means a flaw.
Around 850 by the way you approached the ground I thought you were going to do somekind of clockwise
flare or something like it, but unfortunately you didn't use the momentum of your left leg and lost your flow. The flare would have been a much better option in my opinion since it would fit perfectly with the
2000 you did afterwards as it's a combo that is done a lot in real life.
The rest of the replay was simple and neat so it doesn't leave me room for exhaustive commenting like the first part.
Oh, I forgot to say, watch that relaxed neck. The head going all wibblewobble looks kind of silly.
I'm really glad to see you improve this fast, you've got the potential to become one of the finest in realism. Keep it up.
(I linked the moves incase someone that's not into realism would like to know what you're doing.)
Last edited by Oblivion; Dec 23, 2010 at 04:10 AM.