Original Post
Rear Decap
distance -100

hold all
left rotating chest
right bending lumbar
raise left arm


hold left arm


lower left arm
Grab left hand
extend left glute
contract left hip

space x 3

extend left hip

space until leg is nearly lying across ukes chest, this is the hard part and you have to judge when the lower leg will hit, although if you do miss the head you'll most likely take off his arm.

contract left knee
Re: Rear Decap
Really like it.. I managed to finish it in, let's say, cool way
Replay attached.
Attached Files
rear decap + 1 hand stand.rpl (33.6 KB, 39 views)
Re: Rear Decap
Thanks, its never occured to me to do that, I normally just give him a beating with my knees lol.

And i don't know if it's me, but this move seems a bit tempramental, either hat or im just doing it wrong bloodymess