Original Post
BADGE MARKET! (aka this sounds stupid...)
Hey, guys! I know this is stupid but i like ur sigs for the badges, could 0p get them, i will pay for them!
Re: This Sounds Stupid... but...
, yea, the ones we have suck... a lot lol, I'm not gonna lie, the only REALLY good clan thing we have (other than the members) is *pfpf*

hold on I'll just do an odd strange thing now.
Re: This Sounds Stupid... but...
RIGHT! OK i finished this for you, if you like it's 500 credits... clan things are more expensive than user things....

upon payment i shall post a .psd of all the badges on separate layers in this layout without the watermark. use photo shop or gimp to open, then use the badges as you would see fit. you do not need to put "made by sieg" or anything.
Re: This Sounds Stupid... but...
gothica, just send me money i send you images =P

ViRuS[PsYcHZ ]
Hay , do you think My clan could get them too?

only if you make it worth the while.
Re: This Sounds Stupid... but...
hurmm... forget it I'm not making any more of these, that was the last, only on special request of high value.

PS. thanks for cash splitting it now.
Re: This Sounds Stupid... but...
Since i also made some of the Badges (more then 50% of them) i shall take requests to :P Just PM me what the clan and other things u want on them