Original Post
Super Amazing Arm Missile
I still have no idea how this happened, exactly, but it was under standard Judo-DM rules. Couldn't have been more epic if I'd done it on purpose.
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EPIC ARM MISSILE.rpl (46.5 KB, 76 views)
Simple. He hit your shoulder at first, weakening your joints in that area to a critical point. Then you jerked it a bit and it flew off
Nice victory.
i know it doesn't look nearly as good as it felt online. so bearing that in mind, it was OK.

the fact that it was a (semi-)accidental diminishes its skill value, though.
I refuse to grab.
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Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post
the fact that it was a (semi-)accidental diminishes its skill value, though.

True to the bone. (plus rep)
Some times people know nothing of what there doing and they accidentally but tension or stress on a joint and it works in there favor as a dismember or decap. beginners luck??
Hey, I'm a brown belt, so I kind of know what I'm doing :P I just don't post much.

That said, I'd never seen a joint break that easily before, and I sure as hell didn't expect the leg to come off. It probably doesn't help that I hardly ever touch Judo. I'm just a swords kind of guy, I guess.

Thanks for the kind words :P
considering you're a swords kind of guy, you should know what self damage is like.
I refuse to grab.
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I think the super amazing part of the replay is referring to the lulz, not the calculated skill involved. gj ashy boy
Last time. I'm a brown belt. It was random and thought it was funny, otherwise yeah, it was kinda lame. Like I said, I don't play Judo/post that much.

Hell, DP, I've beaten you in swords a few times. :P
its ok dont be too down, youll get better once you get to yellow belt maybe you'll figure out how things work around here. btw welcome to toribash! ^_^