Original Post
Clan video: URGENT!
okay,if you havent submitted any replays or any nickname PLEASE DO SO! i will be working on the video with ash soon,as i cant do it this week-end because me,ash and ice are hittin up the theaters to go see meet the ill try to go work on it possibly next week if not dont worry it'll get done some day lol

here is a list of people i have checked off,if your names not on it, get crackin on those names and replays! unless you dont want be in the video....welll thats a whole other thing, but if you DO, this is the time to do it! i'm putting a deadline to this next week,so if you dont have a roll in the video...well srry

ok, here we go, this is the list i have so far

1.Blam- The Manager
2.Goodmonkey- The Party Animal
3.JDawg- The DJ
4.ZaneNutio- The Deathtrap
5.VolcanoX- The Eruptor
6.Ashaltaf- The Entertainer
7.Samikah- The Ref
8.IceShadow- The Jumper
9.Scheczudio- The Goon
10.Shakky - The WeedMaster
11.Robsquire - The MIRaCle

if you have aby questions, please take the time to ask or PM me
Last edited by Eckz; Jan 28, 2008 at 01:23 AM.
lol o well lol...see u tomm,and im getting my new cell phone after im done with the movies
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
lululululululululul tmobile XD

oh and bez, take out my decap where i use the kick, and replace it with my replay titled nice dance (you can fiind it in the replay section of our subforum, bottom of first page)
Last edited by JDawg; Jan 26, 2008 at 06:03 PM.
Since when did I become Asian?
Stop talking about your phones guys as well as the movies. This wasn't made to talk about that. Talk about that shit elsewhere.

Anybody who doesn't have a Nickname. Come up with one.