Christmas Lottery
Original Post
UNCE Tourney 2 Results
4 people turned up...

VolcanoX could not make it due to his dad got injured.
JDawg took over made it a round robin event.

Green = Win

vs Blam
JDawg vs Samikah
Samikah vs Blam
ZaneNutio vs JDawg
Blam vs JDawg
ZaneNutio vs Samikah

Samikah Goes out.
---Even Points (2 to Blam, Zane and JDawg)

Blam vs ZaneNutio
Blam vs JDawg
JDawg vs ZaneNutio
---Even Points
(3 to Blam, Zane and JDawg)

Blam vs ZaneNutio
Blam vs JDawg
JDawg vs ZaneNutio


Last edited by Blam; Jan 27, 2008 at 12:12 AM.
I couldn't come becuase I had to shop. what was the prize?
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
well, x let me choose, and i dont like to be greedy, so i just took a vamp force and ghost and i am donating them to zane's tourney
Since when did I become Asian?