NET is a framework utilising a common low level language (the Common Language Infrastructure).
C#, J#, VB.Net, are all languages that can compile down to this language in order to interact.
Although .NET is not a language, it does represent a unique set of problems; for example interaction between your VB.NET front end, and your C# back end.
Issues pertaining to this interaction would be best suited to a .NET subforum, rather than to either the C# or VB, since the issue may span both languages, and not even be language related.
Though, .NET is generally for larger projects, so I don't think there will be a lot of questions about it here
It's back up after a load of spambots pretty much crippled the old forum. Now we have appropriate anti-spambot measures in place (and you need to re-make your account, if you had one before).
The challenges have changed a lot and are in the process of being added to. We're looking for new members; you should totally join even if you know nothing about programming. We have a chat board for you. ;o
Oh, and we need some moderators.