Original Post
Dispute: The unlimited 1000tc booster...
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
Ok ne way, since zaa had to get us off topic, lets get back on topic. If you guys want to talk about this more make your own thread about it and talk about it there, but lets not flame this thread.

And so it was done.

One major problem concerning the toribash community is the recent use of the
UNLIMITED 1000 toricredit booster
and the effects it has made in our community.
Mostly in this thread I will be showing quotes of what was posted in another thread.

Here is the main issue:
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
Yes, I think that is torbashs biggest problem right now. When things like this happens though, I think to solve the roblem with the noobs they should do one of the folowing.

Keep somthings with low prises like orc, chronos, gladiator for them.

Either that or, when people join TB they get 10k just for joining. Problem is though people will make accounts and send money to there main one.

Originally Posted by Superstar View Post
YET what they... ffs... Okay look imagine this

You get a booster, you raise... ohhh 100k just for this situation. Then you realize you have so much you don't know what to do, so you give it off in a video tournament. Someone else now has 100k, you host a tourney and get another 100k. Nabi officials go "Oh **** there's 100k going around like every week!" so they raise shop prices. Rinse wash and repeat, other people get free toriboosters whom ALSO do the same thing. then even if new people get 10k eventually, they WON'T BE ABLE TO BUY ANYTHING, ****** the amounts of credits you get per buy will have to be boosted, not to mention you only get 5 tc per win. Yea, you're screwing over every new player to toribash. Congrats.

Originally Posted by Zaarock View Post
Gah, sorry, but I have to post this.

IMO a 100k award for a clan video is absurd. the toricredit will keep inflating forever with the boosters (wherever Kai got his 1000 booster) I hope this isn't related to your annoying signature.. If you got the toribooster for holding competitions, holding a competition for your own clans video with absurdly high prizes is a little over the top.

If the toricredit keeps inflating, people will eventually understand this and stop buying the merchandise. Resulting in "officials" controlling the credit flow and being disliked by the public.

Here is my list of the good/bad effects.

Gives money towards clans, and other events.
Gives players money for their work, for those with, and without booster.

Unbalances toricredit inflation greatly.
Gives players possibly TOO much for their work.
Leads to many problems involving item prices.

Now, of course we know a few people that have these. I will not name them though. I would just like to say I have NOTHING against them in general, just that these toriboosters could lead to collapsing of the "toricreds."
i dont like it... people expect too much money for things now, but it is nice when u ahve friends with one
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm
Yeah, the richer you get, the more money you expect for things. (For example, me.) But I payed for my 1 month 200 tc booster.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
I has 100k.
I had alot more.
I spent it on various things including making my own little competition.
I spent some on making UNCE official.

And I dont really have an opinion on this.
IMO the 1k booster is a bit retarded... but its just to make nabi money.
If people do continuosly spend money on 1k boosters, why would nabi get rid of it?
Sure it may lead to inflation, and already has for some items, but some items like Nox have decreased in value too, but at the end of the day nabi makes alot of money off of it.
Well the 1k tb booster is high. (also costing much money.)
But, having unlimited use is absurd.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
I think that it should be illegal to transfer TC's but legal to transfer ANY item, including the ones with high qi amount. Only TC's transfer should be used for comps and comps only. Items should be NON-REFUNDABLE, so a tori-inflation won't occur and everything that is given out for non-nabi-events is just items.
Originally Posted by Bman View Post
I think that it should be illegal to transfer TC's but legal to transfer ANY item, including the ones with high qi amount. Only TC's transfer should be used for comps and comps only. Items should be NON-REFUNDABLE, so a tori-inflation won't occur and everything that is given out for non-nabi-events is just items.

If we only used them for comps, then how would we pay somebody for making us a head texture or something?
It seems to me that doing that would lead to the collapse of the whole texture/art business.
Last edited by Vigilante; Jan 27, 2008 at 08:51 PM.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
A "trade"? Say Nabi puts in an area to say:
For ____ item.
or ____ ToriCredits,
I will give you _____.

OR, you can put images in the torishop for sale.
I also think that there should be a payment plan opeion to but items, like say gold force would cost you either 10K or 50 credits for 20 days turing wich you couldn't sell or trade or anything and if you miss you lose the item.

Maybe also a limit on the inventory, and incase one wants more space he pays for it daily.

There should be stuff that would need daily/weekly/monthly payments, so that you could get money out of the people who do not wish to give it away(have nothing to spend it on).