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[Seminar]Discussion seminars
A new idea I thought up, as per the fact that most college teachers use group conversations to better cover topics and understand the material, I find it interesting, and thought we could work this into our discussion, to help us pick better topics.

Brainstorming topics:
Mexican war
The dead sea scrolls
Demise by technology
The effects of future oil depletion
The effects of Westernisation on East Asian countries
Death penalty
Does the U.S. do more harm then good by getting involved in wars?
Can something besides another person fulfill your need for a relationship/affection? (Pets, computers, TV, etc)
How implementing cheap, effective desalination would affect the world
Should the progression of science be held back by so-called 'moral standards'?
Transhumanism: Loss of our humanity or evolution?
<other significant historical events which can be debated/metaphysics and whatnot>

I would like for people to throw out topics they think would be interesting, I'll make a poll for them and i'll see what I can do with this, maybe make teams, and have seminar leaders per seminar.

I'll also toss out 2 opposing articles for the chosen seminar discussions so we can have a solid basis on whatever side we want to argue.

Topics you think should be considered should be posted here, and the good ones, currently judged only by me will be approved for the poll.

(lets spice discussion up a bit)

Users banned from speaking: H4rl3quin(rapezilla, whoever else), Chandlerb
Any and all of their posts will be deleted.
Last edited by Thorn; Feb 1, 2011 at 09:38 PM.
^ Why People Make Retarded Posts

On a serious note;

The Support or Lack Of Scientific Support Behind Evolution (Religious Creationism vs. Athiest Evolution)

Creation of the Universe

Superficiality of Youth Today

Technology Becoming The Demise of The Real World? ~Like that one~ Hyde

Wikileaks Effects on Foreign Relations with the US

Edit More:

Are there issues of Morality behind Islam?

The Censorship of Some Books Such as Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in some school districts.

Respect to Elders; Is Experience Through Age Enough?

Even More:

Playing Violent Videogames give you a more violent outlook on life ?
- similar; Listening to Metal/Hardcore Rock/Gangster Rap gives you a more violent outlook on life?

Should one race have the ability to call members of the race a special word, even though when used by someone outside the race, should it be considered racist?

Similarities Between investments and Gambling? Why is Gambling mostly illegal?

Hypocrisy of Most Religions Today?

Rising Divorce Rates? Causes? Effects? Is it possible to love someone, physically and mentally, for a lifetime?
Last edited by SemiSarim; Jan 8, 2011 at 09:01 AM.
As rapezilla just found out, keep this topic clean and don't spam or you will be heavily infracted or banned.

Some nice ideas there semisarim, i'll have to judge them on my own for now, but give it a couple of days and we'll get this really started up with more people
in response to
Originally Posted by Hyde
Insulting the members of the community is not tolerable. What would qualify them should not be your concern, as it is based on a system that has been thoroughly tested in colleges, with students leading seminars, and most discussion partakers are older then the rest of the community.

Do not insult the members again by thinking they are younger then they are or stupid.

That's not an insult to the members of this community in particular, just an observation that the internet is a rather poor place to hold pseudo-seminars where an anonymous person the other side of the world can claim to be a qualified authority on politics while eating microwave pizza in their underwear in mums basement.

Which leads neatly into my next point: Since there would be no validated intellectual authority leading the seminars (as a lecturer would do at university), would they be any different at all from a normal discussion topic?

I hope you will get back to me with a comprehensive answer, or perhaps simply commendation and acclaim for my brilliance, but i won't hold my breath.

User infracted for this post~ Hyde

whaddaya know, infraction buildup, and as I said, the people I choose are none of your concern.
Last edited by Hyde; Jan 8, 2011 at 09:15 AM.
Originally Posted by RAPEZILLA View Post
in response to

That's not an insult to the members of this community in particular, just an observation that the internet is a rather poor place to hold pseudo-seminars where an anonymous person the other side of the world can claim to be a qualified authority on politics while eating microwave pizza in their underwear in mums basement.

Which leads neatly into my next point: Since there would be no validated intellectual authority leading the seminars (as a lecturer would do at university), would they be any different at all from a normal discussion topic?

I hope you will get back to me with a comprehensive answer, or perhaps simply commendation and acclaim for my brilliance, but i won't hold my breath.

Well I'm sorry that you lack the mental capacity to hold off being a dick on the internet for 20 minutes.


The effects of future oil depletion (peak oil, for example) ~Thats a really good one~ Hyde

Classifying people according to race so that they can do jobs that they are best suited to (inb4, HURF DURF ALL RACES ARE THE SAME)

The effects of Westernisation on East Asian countries (i.e. was it positive or negative) ~Thats a really good one~ Hyde

That's just a few. If I think of some more I'll post them.
I'll go to sleep for now, i'll be back and will be adding more/attempting to get a usergroup for seminar leaders.

For now, good night, keep the topic ideas flowing, i'll add more good ones when I get up
Hmm well what about:

*We're too soft on our children these days and that has negative effects in later life.
(e.g. Not being exposed to enough harmful bacteria to develop an immunity to them leading to acute reactions should they become infected, "everyone wins" approach to young peoples' competitions resulting in "its not fair!" attitudes and painful eyeopeners later on and possibly even developing suicidal tendencies due to not being able to take criticism because they lacked any in childhood.)
Originally Posted by UnplannedxxChild View Post
i do hope you gentlemen aren't getting mad at people over the internet!

I wish you would explain how these 'seminars' differ from normal discussion topics, since the whole concept is, frankly, rather pointless. You may as well post the topics you want to discuss in general discussion.

If i am wrong, please try and explain why instead of fruitlessly banning alts ;)

I explained it pretty well in the infraction message on your other account, but you persist your attempts to derail this thread.

Let me explain:

The seminar will be held by seminar leaders who will present 2 opposing articles, and will be asking questions in regards to said articles about the question at hand. The questions will be general enough to have an open discussion, yet specific enough to stick to the topic and not derail the discussion. Normal discussion threads are generally based on things people claim to know, and they debate little topics that have no meaning, this should stimulate it pretty well.

The entirety of the details isn't hammered out yet, but the archetype is a college level seminar.

Now, if you please, stop posting in this thread unless you can contribute, as the rules will continue to be enforced.
-The increasing affects of the media on people's social/political opinions and choices

-The growing dominance of the Chinese Yuan (currency) in international economics, and the significance of China's continued devaluation of their currency (cheaper exports etc.)

-Place of religion in modern society

-Should the progression of science be held back by so-called 'moral standards'? - (human cloning, genome project etc.)

-Shrinking gap between major political parties in terms of policies and general political standing - resulting rise of more radical parties to 'plug the gaps' at the top-end of the political spectrum. (BNP in UK, Tea Party is US etc.)

More coming later, when I'm less exhausted...
Quit, probably.
Some really good ones there, i'll edit them in in a bit

Also, when there are enough topics i'll look for seminar leaders, and try to get at least a weekly/biweekly thing running