Original Post
New unce member? (Revn)
ok so heres the thing, me and anes tested revn, cause he said he'd like to join, so we went to an empty room too see how good he was, and he was accually pretty good a judo, and EXCELLENT at wushu, so all together i think he'd be a good addition to the clan, he has a good positive attitude and seems real cool, so what do you guys think? we have alot of members and we need to keep it limited so this why im asking for a group decision
i thought he was good, not too talkative but when he talked he was nice, and i told him it would be poitnless to join up with us if he was not active in this forum and communication area, so he knows bout how important this stuff is to us.
ok revn was tested by me and he passed with 2 wins out of 3 (2 i ripped myself up on accident). welcome revn.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.