I think my net worth is just over 0 thanks to University. Although, that is interest free and will be automatically payed off, so its not a big deal.
My plan is to not get a cc or loan etc (Australia has some great tools to help people buy houses so its cool in that regard, eg you can get an account that gives something like 12% interest pa. The money can only be touched to buy a house. Not too bad, ey. Better than my 6.2% term deposit account, that's for sure.).
Plus, I don't think I need all that Americanesque excess, nor do I have that Americanesque greed or lust after material objects.
The problem is Americans think they are entitled to these things, not that they need to earn them. The banks facilitate this by giving loans; "You can have it now, then work towards it, isn't that grand?", however a lot of people lose motivation to work once they have their reward. And then of course they have the nerve to cry about how unfair it is once they lose the reward that they never earned...
EDIT: Oh and I thought of another thing. You think the bank like having to hound after yo ass after you fail to pay them? They already forked out a couple of hundred K for you to buy a house, and then what kind of returns do you think they get from that? They earn nothing until you start earning. Loans basically work because it is assumed clients are good natured and pay up. If they don't banks cut their losses, put a big -over-9000 on your credit rating, and gtfo with your stuff to try break even.
Essentially what the video is saying is "Americans are entitled to free money". At least, that is what the first few minutes say, I couldn't sit through it.
EDIT2: Also I like how 'the American dream' is to fit nicely in to the homogeneous sea of suburban houses...
Last edited by Gorman; Jan 11, 2011 at 07:55 AM.