View Poll Results: Which Monster Hunter do you like best?
Monster Hunter
3 Votes / 18.75%
Monster Hunter: 2
3 Votes / 18.75%
Monster Hunter: Freedom
1 Votes / 6.25%
Monster Hunter: Freedom 2
1 Votes / 6.25%
Monster Hunter: Freedom United
7 Votes / 43.75%
Monster Hunter Tri/3
7 Votes / 43.75%
Monster Hunter: Frontier
1 Votes / 6.25%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 16. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Monster Hunter Collection[US and Japan]
Which Monster Hunter do you like best.
Basic Info:
Released: Sept. 2004 - June 2010
Publisher: Capcom
Description: graphics are not the best, but the addiction and the killing of monsters is what makes the game fun. Kill, Capture and dominate on singleplayer or multiplayer.
With up to 4 people in a quest.(Except for Frontier. Up to 16 people)
Pics of each game:
Most are US and Japan.
Monster Hunter(PS2)(US and Japan)

Monster Hunter 2(PS2)(Japan only)

Monster Hunter Freedom(PSP)(US&Japan)

Monster Hunter Freedom 2(PSP)(US&Japan)

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite/Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G(PSP)(US&Japan)

Monster Hunter Tri/3(Wii)(US&Japan)

Monster Hunter Frontier(PC&Xbox 360)(Japan only)


This is just one of many weapon classes and weapon trees. There are more than 200+ weapons and armor to equip, sell, create, and customize. Weapon classes include longsword, greatsword, lance, hammer, bowgun,(light or heavy) bow, sword&shield, and dual swords.
Armor is fully customizable from changing your symbol color to equipping different pieces including head, torso, arms, waist, and legs.

There are many monster in all monster hunter games, so much its too much to explain all of them.

A new Monster Hunter is later to be released in late 2012 including all content from all the other games along with new monsters.
I have been addicted to the games forever since they are really fun and addicting.
Last edited by darkspace; Jan 12, 2011 at 12:54 AM.
I'd like to a famous youtuber. =3
You like COD? --- >MONTAGE<
Whilst I like Monster Hunter Tri for its graphics and not "straying from the path", I liked Monster Hunter Freedom Unite a lot more simply because it had much more content (especially in single player compared to Tri) and it was a lot easier to game with your friends due to it being on PSP and having wireless ad-hoc and whatnot.
I thought monster hunter freedom unite was one of the best since it had most content
I'd like to a famous youtuber. =3
You like COD? --- >MONTAGE<
Tri and Freedom Unite were the best. Online play made it better than Freedom Unite but in terms of content, Freedom Unite takes the cake.
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
Man this game kinda needs a long time for you to understand and get used to it. Still, this is an awesome game. I loved playing it. I quit though since my psp broke Dx For me, unite was the best
@gel0: Yeah you're definitely right. I lent Freedom Unite to 5 of my friends. Only 2 managed to pick it up and play it reasonably well the first time round. The others, well, i'll quote one:
"How the hell do you beat Giadrome?! It's impossible!"
Originally Posted by gel0 View Post
Man this game kinda needs a long time for you to understand and get used to it. Still, this is an awesome game. I loved playing it. I quit though since my psp broke Dx For me, unite was the best

your right dude, one of my friends showed this to me and i was lucky, I actaully made it
through. Monster hunter is a game that takes time and effort instead of a turnbased game where you just stand there and wait for the thing to be dead.
I'd like to a famous youtuber. =3
You like COD? --- >MONTAGE<
All of them are Great games but in my opinion Monster Hunter tri was the best one because it was the first one i got and the ONLY ONE (of this list at least) which i was able to complete since i was bad at playing on the psp for some reason sadly they did shut down the Monster Hunter Tri servers on Wii (from what i heared).
I played the one on the wii, but got pissed when they told me I had to go and collect a bunch of mushrooms.

wtf. Its monster hunter, not Mario.

Was fun while I played it. Might get back into it. ITs like Shadow of the colossus with a lot more content.