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Apple vs Microsoft: Who handles viruses better?
This one seems like a bit of a no brainer, but take a step back and think.

Which one of the 2 major companies handles viruses better. Now we have all heard the media screaming its hype around ("OSX gets no viruses ever!", "Windows is made of viruses!"), but we also all know that both sides are exaggerated.

OSX has a built in virus scanner, Windows does not. This contributes a lot to the media attention, since Windows users have to actively install and manage their virus protection, whilst most OSX users are totally oblivious to the fact the viruses even exist for OSX.

Apple sometimes takes months to bring out patches for its virus scanner (and it does so secretly), whilst Windows generally does so within the week, if not sooner (and they tell everyone about it, warning them to do a scan and be careful).

Now, I'm not sure about you, but I have never had a virus on OSX nor Windows. Admittedly I don't use OSX a lot, so the chance of encountering one is pretty low. But I use Windows 10 hours a day for quite a few years now.
Sure I have a firewall, and I don't go looking for trouble, but I'm not exactly security concious. I download files from dodgey sources, and often (ie, never). do not scan them first.

The things I do are; have a firewall, do weekly scans (well, more like monthly, but I try), and use common sense (when an msn contact says "WoW look i found nood pics of u check this one out!" I do NOT click it).

That has kept me virus free on many computers for many years, but still I diligently scan and keep up with virus news where I can.

So after all that, what do you think of the different approaches the 2 companies take, pretending no problem exists, or telling everyone to be careful and stay up to date and protected?
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Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
never used OSX,
to be frank I don't like Apple exaggeration about it's products, its just over-hyped.
Its like buy our superpowerfullnovirussuperthinnotebook, it costs only double than the competition and its Apple. All I can say is gtfo.
Last virus I had on Windows was like 5 years ago or more, I am using antivir free anti virus and windows built in firewall. Maybe windows is not super secure but if u don't just click on every link and open every .exe that u get from untrusted sources u're 99.99% safe, in my opinion
wishful eyes deceive me
i use antivirus monthly but only because i don't feel it needs to keep running in the background like all antivirus programs like to.

i've had a few viruses but it's because i don't use a firewall or any other security software, instead i keep my windows installation as bare as i need to so i can keep my computer running as smoothly as possible.

doing all of this has taught me several ways in how to remove/disable viruses without antivirus software.

it is a fact that both microsoft and apple products can and DO get viruses but it comes down to what you use for anti virus (in windows) and if you have a firewall up and running.

imo both have the same security risks it's just in how they're dealt with that enables one to be superior over the other.

mac users argue "why take the extra steps to download and install antivirus and firewall applications when you can get a mac and not worry?"

while this argument is valid to an extent my argument is "i'm not going to pay the extra amount of money to have a shittier computer with an operating system that doesn't support the features i want."

anti virus software should not sell you on the OS or the computer, what should sell you is what you plan to do with that computer.

automating antivirus is like automating system functions like hard drive defragging. it's a feature that you can live without if you know how and when to do it manually.
Last edited by Organ; Jan 13, 2011 at 01:02 PM.
You don't say?
I get viruses every once in a while but that's because I don't use an antivirus because it happens so little that I don't mind the occasional virus I have to delete. I take functionality over security/looks. Whereas apple makes it look secure and pretty but has little functionality and a high cost. So that's my opinion.