Apple vs Microsoft: Who handles viruses better?
This one seems like a bit of a no brainer, but take a step back and think.
Which one of the 2 major companies handles viruses better. Now we have all heard the media screaming its hype around ("OSX gets no viruses ever!", "Windows is made of viruses!"), but we also all know that both sides are exaggerated.
OSX has a built in virus scanner, Windows does not. This contributes a lot to the media attention, since Windows users have to actively install and manage their virus protection, whilst most OSX users are totally oblivious to the fact the viruses even exist for OSX.
Apple sometimes takes months to bring out patches for its virus scanner (and it does so secretly), whilst Windows generally does so within the week, if not sooner (and they tell everyone about it, warning them to do a scan and be careful).
Now, I'm not sure about you, but I have never had a virus on OSX nor Windows. Admittedly I don't use OSX a lot, so the chance of encountering one is pretty low. But I use Windows 10 hours a day for quite a few years now.
Sure I have a firewall, and I don't go looking for trouble, but I'm not exactly security concious. I download files from dodgey sources, and often (ie, never). do not scan them first.
The things I do are; have a firewall, do weekly scans (well, more like monthly, but I try), and use common sense (when an msn contact says "WoW look i found nood pics of u check this one out!" I do NOT click it).
That has kept me virus free on many computers for many years, but still I diligently scan and keep up with virus news where I can.
So after all that, what do you think of the different approaches the 2 companies take, pretending no problem exists, or telling everyone to be careful and stay up to date and protected?