Shlimmys reviews!
Yaaa... i know not evil related but...
Ok, basically i review shizz so you dont go out and buy useless crap that you have to return to Gamestop only to find "oh yous opened teh package!" and be like motha &*@$er! and get kicked out
i base my reviews on both my, and proffesional opinion
errmmkay... first one *ehem!*
allright... you crash in a plane right? swim up to this ye'olde style light house where you find a submarine elevater that takes you down into this marvelous (or used to be) city where the first thing you see is some guy pleading for his life getting ripped apart by a crazed lady with claws on her hands, who promplty jumps on your sub, and starts climbing across the wall into some airvents, being chased by a flying security bot while this "Atlas" guy is asking you to d stuff with a accent that somehow pleases you in some...strange way... *ehem* you find the whole city went to hell when Adam, a gene altering substance that gives you awesome powers, turned to warp your features and your mind you are soon plunged into a world filled with twisted Adam Crazed citizens, and powerful plasmids that give you awesome powers such as lightning, telekeneisis, and insect swarms.Although lacking a multiplayer you are sure to have a great time following the twisting plot while battling the splicers (crazy peeps) and big daddies protecting the little sisters (creepy chicks) who hold the adam.
Shlimmys rating:
Pros rating :
Last edited by Shlimmy; Apr 1, 2008 at 03:37 AM.