Christmas Lottery
Original Post
The beard stays!!
For all that remember me, hello.
For all that dont, pleasegoeasyonmyimsorustyD:

roughly in the order i made them
Attached Files
0- poopie.rpl (126.7 KB, 20 views)
0- flying dad attack.rpl (104.5 KB, 16 views)
0- rightrightrightrightright.rpl (135.0 KB, 24 views)
Proud member of ORMO and [T]
Since they are in the order you made them, I'll comment on rightrightrightrightright. The opener was pretty poor, along with the contracting knee part. The jump, spin, and kick was pretty awesome. The punch was cool too, and flowed nicely. Then you lose your flow and sort of just fall down. The kick was weird, but wasn't too bad. 7/10
thanks, i personally like poopie the best :P
but yeah, im still trying to remember how to make good openers lol
Proud member of ORMO and [T]